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Customizing and stringing - everyone knows the problem of switching from lighter to heavier rackets, and very often the big difference in racket weight leads to ligament and joint injuries. We offer a smoother and safer transition to a heavier racket for you and your child, as well as the opportunity to create your own racket characteristics to suit your playing style. You can also get more information about tennis equipment (strings, racket characteristics, tension forces) and how it can help your game.

Serhii Rudenko

Stringer customizer

Certified stringer and specialist in working with tennis rackets, overall work experience - 15 years.

Has Pro Master level certificates from Ersa and Grsa (European Stringers Associations).

Stringer at Tennis Park Academy, 2021-2022.

Worked at the ATP Challenger Kyiv Open 2021 tournament as well as at many other children and adult tournaments of various levels.

Knowledge and experience in racket customization and tuning.

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